
Today before you complain, think about it ......

Today before you say the words that are not good,
Think about someone who can not speak at all ..

Today before you complain about the taste of your food ...
Think about someone who did not have anything to eat ..

Today Before you complain do not have anything ...
Think about someone who beg in the streets ..

Today before you complain that you are bad ...
Think about someone who is at its worst in his life ..

Today before you complain about your husband or your wife ...
Think about someone who begged the Lord to be given a life partner ...

Today before you complain about life ...
Think about someone who died too soon ..

Today before you complain about your children ...
Think about someone who really wants to have children but she was barren ..

Today before you complain about your dirty house because your helper not doing his job,
Think about the people who live on the streets and are homeless ..

Today before you complain about the distance you have to drive ...
Think about someone who travel the same distance on foot ..

And when you are tired and complain about your job ...
Think about the unemployed, disabled people who wish they had a job like you ...

Today Before you show the finger and blame someone else,
Remember that no one is without sin,,,

And when you're sad and your life in sorrow, Smile and give thanks to God that you were given the opportunity to live and enjoy your days

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