
Tips to face job interview

On several occasions talked about the world of work to students and students, I often get the question, "How do you deal with job interview?"

If on the previous occasion I have addressed specifically about how to make a good CV, so this time I will tell you how to face job interview.

The core of the interviews was to ascertain whether a candidate in accordance with previous test results and with the written CV. Interviews are also useful to meet physically with a candidate and to know the attitude and way of thinking. Interviews can make the interviewer more convinced you are the right person and vice versa could also be hesitant because of the quality you are not in accordance with the CV or previous test results.

Good preparation is the key to success. In fact, many people have no special preparation when it will face a job interview. Remember, in the selection process, the interview is the final stage to ascertain whether or not a worthy candidate. By doing a good preparation, the opportunity for acceptance will be greater.

What should be prepared when facing a job interview? The following list can hopefully help you:
  1. Learn your CV again and focus on the parts that are relevant to the targeted job. This preparation will help your fluency in responding to anything related to what you wrote in the CV.
  2.  Learn about the companies you will enter. Find out from friends, neighbors, website or other sources. What are their products? What is the vision and mission of the company? Employees like what they expected? Having a lot of information about the company that will enter will help us to be enthusiastic in the interview, and also have a strong interest to work.
  3. Make sure the time, place, and who should be contacted for an interview. Plan your departure for arriving on time. Do not lose the opportunity only because of late.
  4. Train some hard questions and how you will answer. This will save time and you do not need to think too long when recruiters to submit the question.
Facing Interviews
came a time when you called and entered the interview room. This is a thrilling moment for a job seeker has the experience especially if you have not previously interviewed.

In the face interviews, show self-confidence but still polite. Remember you may need a job, but do not forget the company also needs you. Do not be insecure at the same time do not be arrogant.

In the initial interview, usually you will be asked to introduce themselves. Take advantage of this opportunity well. Tell me who you are, educational background and previous employment and why you are applying for the job. Do not be too short because the recruiters actually want to listen to you. But do not be too too long so that the recruiter becomes bored. Notice the interviewer's body language whether he had had enough with your answer or not.

For the introduction, it's good to have you train so that is can be determined what is to be told and what is not.

The interview is a two-way communication process. Interviewer asked and you answered. In every communication both sides must respect each other. So listen carefully posed questions. Understand the intention question first before you start answering the interviewer. If you feel less clear with the question, please do not hesitate to ask questions or to confirm. This is important and the interviewer will usually be happy to repeat his question. Do not be a smart-ass people who answered his own question, although not yet clear.

What if you do not know the answer to a question? Some people are forced to answer and swirling to and fro in an attempt to provide answers. This is the wrong way. Interviewer will see you as people who impose themselves but do not know. Use a more elegant way. If you really do not know the answer to a tough question, then you can give a little explanation about what you know and admit to a certain section that asked you not know the answer at this time. Interviewer will better appreciate honest statement rather than answers that are imposed. 

Want to Know What The Interviewer?
Basically the interviewer wants to dig from a candidate to ascertain whether the person is suited to the job or not. Therefore the interviewer will ask, confirm, or requesting an explanation for anything you have ever done before. Simultaneously interviewer may also ask for your views on a matter.

In many interviews, you will be asked about what he had done in the past. This is useful as a predictor of the ability and your performance in the future. Therefore you have to tell you what ever you do, how the process, what is learned from the success or failure.

Use active sentences that describe what you have done and the results obtained. Do not explain what you will do in the future due to the interviewer it is not relevant.

The most important thing you are good at is what has been learned from previous work experience and how you take advantage of the experience. You also need to remember the special achievements that have been obtained in the past. Not only that, mastered certain things in the form of the toughest challenges, failures, and achievements of any previous experience. In this way the interviewer will get valuable information from you.

Dealing with Difficult Questions
Sometimes the interviewer did not ask tough questions that you might think. Actually these difficult questions still to be expected if you have done the preparation. Here are some questions you need to consider and look for the answer before it comes in a job interview. This question may be asked by an interviewer and with good preparation you can give an impressive answer. Remember, this question is sometimes not easy and you need to dig deep into yourself to find answers:

    * Why did you choose to apply on this job?
    * What did you like and do not like about your previous job?
    * Why did you leave your job now held?
    * Success as what you can imagine in the next 5 years?
    * What are the advantages of yourself so that acceptable in this company than any other candidate?
    * What is the biggest weakness of yourself? How do you cope?
    * What are you looking from the proposed work now?
    * The issue of what you've faced in previous jobs? How do you solve the problem?

  So can I tell you to face job interview. In the experience of conducting interviews, I often find a candidate who is actually good academically, skill, and experience but can not explain very well the things mentioned in the interview process. There are times when the interviewer was able to read the potential in an applicant who like it and accept it. But not infrequently the potential was uncovered and the interviewer would prefer another candidate is convincing.

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1 komentar:

Life Moto said...

good tips here. thanks for visit also.

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