
Smart Women Men More than Women Choosing Virgin

Scientific study about love show men increasingly interested in women educated than women who maintained her virginity. Therefore, such women are considered to have intelligence with a reliable personality and emotional stability.

The findings by researchers at the University of Iowa is part of a study. Studies conducted every decade since 1939, it asked participants to compile a list of 18 properties they want from a partner on a scale ranging from not relevant to the fundamental.

Included in the list is 'mixed abilities' and 'managers who are good at cooking', and 'love each other and interested', which is in first place for men and women in 2008. In 1939, the nature that does not make the top three for both sexes.

Participants of men and women in 2008 submitted a list of their main 'unreliable nature' and 'mature', and 'emotional stability'. 'Intelligence' in women are in fourth position. This is a big leap from the 11th position in 1939.

While 'good financial prospects' shifted to position 12 in 2008. This position is shifted from low-to-17 position in 1939 and the last position in 1967.

"This is a generation of men who have grown up with educated women as teachers, doctors, and their role model," says Christine Whelan, leader of the study.

Authors 'Marry Smart: The Intelligent Woman's Guide to True Love' is, calls the shifting assessments, as was happening during difficult economic times. "So, share the financial burden with a partner will lift the burden of these people as the sole breadwinner," he said.

Another noticeable shift occurred on whether or not virginity is important. In 1939, it scored higher than intelligence in women, but in 2008 put into a position that was not too are essential.

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