
10 Secrets Of Success Japanese People

1. Hard Work

It is no secret that the Japanese people are hard workers. Average working hours of employees in Japan is 2450 hours / year, is very high compared with America (1957 hours / year), UK (1911 hours / year), Germany (1870 hours / year), and France (1680 hours / year) . An employee in Japan could produce a car in 9 days, while workers in other states require 47 days to make the car worth the same. A Japanese worker can arguably do the work normally done by 5-6 people. Home quickly is something that can be said "somewhat embarrassing" in Japan, and indicates that the employee was included "not required" by the company.

2. Shame

Shame is the ancestral culture and the Japanese people from generation to generation. Harakiri (suicide by sticking a knife into the stomach) becomes a ritual since the era of the samurai, when they lost and battles. Log into the modern world, the discourse a little change to the phenomenon of "resign" for officials (ministers, politicians, etc.) involved in the problem of corruption or feel like a failure of their duties. Possible negative effects are the children of elementary, junior high school who sometimes commit suicide, because its value is ugly or not the next grade. Embarrassed instructions in Japanese people prefer to choose a detour rather than interfere with the driver behind the cut line in the middle of the road. T
hey are ashamed of their environment when they break the rules or norms that have become common agreement.

3. Scrimp

The Japanese have a zest for life-saving in everyday life. In the early days of starting life in Japan, I was astonished with the number of Japanese people crowded shopping at the supermarket at around 19:30 hours. Inquired have inquired, it has become commonplace that the supermarkets in Japan will cut prices up to half in about half an hour before closing. As it is known that in Japan Supermarket average closes at 20:00.

4. Loyalty

Loyalty to make a career in a company's systems running and neatly arranged. Slightly different from the system in America and Europe, are very rare Japanese who move jobs. They usually stay in one or two companies until retirement. This may be the implications of Industry in Japan that most would only accept fresh graduate, who then train and educate their own specific areas of arable (core business) companies.

5. Innovation

Japan is not the inventor, but the Japanese have an edge in finding people mix and then market it in the form of a demand by the public. Interesting reading the story of Akio Morita, who developed the legendary Sony Walkman. Tape Cassete not invented by Sony, the patent is owned by Phillips Electronics company. But that successfully developed and membundling portable model as a product that is booming for decades, Akio Morita, founder and CEO of Sony at that time. Until 1995, there were more than 300 models of walkman was born and the total production reached 150 million products. Mechanical assembly of four-wheeled vehicles are also not created by the Japanese, his patent owned by an American. But it was Japan with innovative vehicle assembly industry can develop a faster and cheaper.

6. Never Surrender

History proves that the Japanese including a resilient nation and never give up. Decades under the Tokugawa empire that covers the access to overseas, Japan is very behind in technology. When the Meiji Restoration (Meiji Ishin) came, the Japanese quickly adapt and become a fast-learner. Poverty is not natural resources to make Japan surrender. Not only the importer of petroleum, coal, iron ore and timber, even 85% of Japan's energy sources come from other countries including Indonesia. Reportedly, Indonesia needs to stop the supply of petroleum, then 30% of Japan will complete darkness series of disasters occurred in 1945, starting from the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan followed with a losing war, and added in the presence of a major earthquake in Tokyo. Apparently Japan is not finished. In the next few years Japan has managed to build the automotive industry and even the fast train (shinkansen). Probably pretty amazing how Konosuke Matsushita, which business were destroyed and nearly out of business electronic equipment in 1945 are still able to crawl, starting from scratch to build the industry to become a business empire in the contemporary era. Akio Morita was also originally to be laughed at when offering products that tiny Cassete Tapenya to various other countries. But eventually a legend with his Sony Walkman. What is also quite unique that the science and theory in which people must learn from this failure began to be formulated in Japan with shippaigaku name (the science of failure). Sometime I will peel more about this

7. Reading Culture

Do not be surprised if you come to Japan and into densha (electric train), most of the passengers both children and adults are reading books or newspapers. No matter sitting or standing, many of which utilize the time in densha to read. Many publishers are starting to make man-ga (comics) curriculum materials for both elementary school, junior high and high school. Lessons of History, Biology, Language, etc. are presented with interesting people who make the higher interest in reading. Read the Japanese culture is also supported by the speed in the process of translation of foreign books (english, french, german, etc.). The legend says that the legend translation of foreign books has been started in the year 1684, as the construction of the institute of translation and continues to grow until the modern era. Usually the Japanese translation of the book is available in a few weeks since its foreign books published.

8. Cooperation Group

Culture in Japan not too accommodate the work which are too individualistic. Including claims of work, usually intended for team or group. This phenomenon not only in the world of work, the condition of the campus with his research lab is like that, do the task subjects are usually also in the form of the group. Working in groups may be one of the greatest strengths of the Japanese. There are anecdotes that "a professor of Japanese people to be inferior to one American professor, only 10 people American professor will not be able to beat 10 people in a group of Japanese professors." Consensus agreement or often called "rin-gi" is a ritual in the group. Strategic decisions must be discussed in the "rin-gi".

9. Self

From an early age children are trained to become independent. Ershad, most big my child had felt the kindergarten (Yochien) in Japan. He must bring 3 large bags containing clothes, bento (lunch packet), dressing shoes, books, towels and a big bottle of drink that hangs around her neck. In Yochien every child trained to bring their own equipment, and are responsible for their own belongings. Remove the high school and enter college most of do not ask the cost to parents. My friend's apartment contemporary at Saitama University before relying on part-time work for school fees and daily life. Even if the money ran out, they "borrow" money to parents who were later they return in the next month.

10. Keep the Tradition & Respect for Parents

Technological development and economic, did not make the Japanese lose tradition and culture. Culture married woman not to work and live there today.

Cultural sorry still a reflex of the Japanese. If one day you ride a bike in Japan and hit a pedestrian, then do not be surprised if we hit instead of apologizing first.

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